Many women are suffering from PCOS nowadays and the sad part is that most women aren't even aware that they're suffering from PCOS. It has been observed as one of the main reasons behind infertility, and the heart's wellbeing also. Unrecognized and untreated, PCOS can...

Each and every woman has experienced abdomen pain, back pain, and cramping during or before their periods. Young girls usually experience cramping during the first few years after starting periods. These pains generally decrease in intensity when you grow older. Here's the best Gynaecologist in...

No one really knows why cancer grows in certain people. Cancer is different and more persuasive than other diseases. Cancer has its own characteristics. It may be present in the body for a long time and detected only at a later stage which makes it...

The increasing rate of infertility in women has alarmed experts all over the world. The leading cause of this emerging problem is a serious endocrine disorder called polycystic ovarian syndrome or PCOS. While PCOS is not a new disorder, the rise in its frequency is...

Pregnancy is an amazing and exciting journey where there are so many strange changes happening to your body & unexpected surprises that can pop up.  Here are the best gynecologist and obstetrician in Delhi break down top 10 favorite weird and wonderful facts that you...

There are many reasons as to why a woman might be prone to developing gynecologic cancer; however, some genes (oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes) may become damaged through smoking, aging, environmental influences, or inheritance and result in the uncontrolled spread and growth of abnormal cells....

Menstruation is a natural activity occurring in women, which is important for every aging girl. But even today, many young girls do not have complete information about this activity, which makes it even more difficult to adopt physical and mental changes occurring at such times....

Periods are like a battle for a woman with her own body. Women often experience different emotions and at times, deal with symptoms. Some might feel absolutely normal and some might go through unbearable pain. To get rid of discomfort, some women tend towards food,...

Several cancer treatments have side effects that can make it harder to have a baby, but there are options available to preserve fertility for cancer patients. But, cancer treatments such as radiation and medical therapies can affect fertility, or the ability to conceive. Want to...

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