An endometriosis specialist in Delhi will confirm to you that endometriosis often presents as pain accompanying periods, chronic pelvic pain, or pain during sex. The condition occurs when endometrial tissue, which normally forms the inner lining of the uterus, grows in other places in the...

Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) is very common in Indian women.  Burning sensation, pain or discomfort in the lower abdomen, frequency of urination, the passage of urine drop by drop is the common symptoms of UTI. It is caused by bacteria which can affect any part...

Most likely women may develop fibroids between the age of 30-40. Each fibroid is unique and one of a kind, which requires individualization of treatment options. Here in this article, let's know more about Uterine Fibroids with Dr. Usha  M Kumar - the best surgeon...

If you miss your period's date by more than a week, the first thing to check should be pregnancy; you must do a home test. You can get many types of pregnancy checking kits in chemist shops very easily. Get one and check with the...

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