PCOS, Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome is characterized by the formation of small cysts on the outsides of the enlarged ovaries. This is caused by the imbalance of hormones such as ‘estrogen’ and ‘progesterone’. PCOS generally affects heart function, body weight, menstrual cycle, and overall appearance. The...

If your pregnancy falls into the high-risk category, you may be concerned about your unborn baby's health and may feel anxious and stressed out dealing with thousands of emotions at once, but don't worry, Dr. Usha M Kumar, high risk pregnancy doctor in Delhi, will...

The endometrium, the tissue that lines the uterus/womb, sheds every month during menstruation, often known as menstruation. Endometriosis, often known as endometriosis, is a disorder in which similar tissue grows outside the uterus and on organs that do not belong to it. Endometriosis cases are...

Menopause is a healthy and natural part of a woman's reproductive evolution. Tired of listening to the negative stories about menopause? So are we! We see hundreds of women in their menopause years with bright shining faces (no, the shine is not related to hot...

Sometimes people are too embarrassed, too busy, or just don’t know the right questions. The questions on this page by Dr. Usha M Kumar, Gynaecologist in Delhi should cover a lot of aspects of what you need to know though. 1. How soon after conception do...

Do you suffer from severe cramps, irregular bleeding or pain during and/or after sex? If so, there’s a chance you have endometriosis. One of the most common reproductive conditions affecting women. Endometriosis occurs when the endometrium, the tissue that lines the uterus, grows outside of...

Most women worry about labor pain and how they will bear it. Hearing the experiences of some women, you will find that the process of childbirth is painful but despite being painful you can tolerate them, and many times even without any medical intervention. Painless...

Usually, a woman does not experience consistent menstruation from her first period until perimenopause. Various factors can cause irregular periods, from dietary changes to physical disorders. Hence, it is generally a good idea to consult a gynecologist with high experience and reputation in gynecology to...

After a myomectomy, surgery is suggested to improve the chances of pregnancy for women with fibroids and infertility. The type of surgery and time between pregnancies will depend on the number, size, and type of fibroids. Can you get pregnant after a myomectomy? Usually, you...

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