What’s Causing My Irregular Periods?

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What’s Causing My Irregular Periods?

Having monthly menstruation that is regular and slightly uncomfortable is an indication that your hormones are in balance and your reproductive system is working properly. On the other hand, irregular and missed periods, as well as unusually painful, intense PMS symptoms, might signal that your hormone levels are out of balance — either too low or too high. Make an appointment with Dr. Usha M Kumar, the best gynecologist in Delhi, if you’re having problems with your periods.

Hormones are a multifaceted issue that may impact a range of variables and bodily systems, making abnormal menstrual periods a difficult condition to diagnose. To learn how to naturally regulate menstruation and balance hormones, you must first comprehend the many causes and lifestyle decisions that may negatively effaffectect your hormonal levels.

Irregular or missed periods can be caused by a variety of factors.
Apart from pregnancy and menopause, which both prohibit a woman from getting her period, the following are the most common causes of missed or irregular periods:

Stress levels are really high.
When you’re under a lot of stress for a long time, your body tries to conserve energy by going into a fight or flight mode. As a result, ovulation will be hampered since your body deems it a secondary task compared to survival. Several factors might contribute to this, including a traumatic event, a restrictive diet, and extreme exercise (repeated fight or flight). The body prioritises the creation of stress chemicals that will aid you in surviving a crisis, so sex production takes a back seat.

When your oestrogen levels drop below normal, you can’t build up the uterine lining (which you shed during your period) and don’t get your period.

Unhealthy eating habits
The adrenal glands and thyroid are stressed by a diet high in stimulants and low in minerals, antioxidants, and probiotic foods. Sugar, hydrogenated fats, and artificial additives, for example, have been linked to thyroid issues and adrenal depletion, both of which can cause cortisol to rise. Excess cortisol interferes with the function of a variety of other essential hormones, including sex hormones. If you continue to maintain high amounts for a lengthy period of time, your bones, skin, muscles, and brain tissue may be destroyed. If you’re not experiencing regular menstruation, make sure you’re eating enough of the right foods: antioxidant-rich, nutrient-dense, and protein-rich meals.

Extreme weight loss and a low BMI (body mass index)
Due to a lack of body fat, which is essential for the generation of oestrogen, you may miss your period if your BMI falls below 18 or 19. Nutritional deficits can result from a low-calorie, low-fat diet, which can lead to irregular periods and bone loss. To claim that every woman who misses or has irregular periods is underweight or nutritionally deficient is inaccurate. According to the BMI scale, many are of normal weight, and others are even “overweight.” (This may not be necessary because the article is on the various reasons for irregular periods.)

Excessive Exercise
Moderate exercise is beneficial for heart health, emotional regulation, a regular sleep schedule, and maintaining a healthy body weight; however, too much activity might stress your adrenal, thyroid, and pituitary glands. Women who undertake rigorous activity (such as marathon training) may have a sudden halt to menstruation. The stress hormone cortisol is generated in response to actual or perceived stress, whether physical (such as exercise) or mental (such as depression). With today’s cultural pressures on women to stay slim and fit, some may feel compelled to exercise more than is healthy. This type of activity can increase stress levels and deplete the body’s energy reserves, both of which are necessary for regulating and releasing sex hormones, says Dr. Usha M Kumar, the best Gynecologist in Delhi.

Thyroid Problems
Although it may appear to be a small problem, your thyroid may cause a number of hormonal imbalances. Thyroid problems, which affect about 15% of amenorrhea patients, have been shown in studies to be one of the most common causes of missed periods. Thyroid illnesses, such as hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism, can cause a variety of symptoms, including changes in oestrogen and hence missed periods, because the thyroid gland regulates your metabolism and impacts various sex hormones.

Methods of Contraception Have Changed
Some women will stop getting their period while on birth control, possibly on purpose, and may notice that their period does not return even after they stop using the pill. While we suggest that a woman’s cycle adjust within a few months of stopping the pill, many women may experience missing or irregular periods for years.

As per, Dr. Usha M Kumar, the best Gynecologist in Delhi a woman’s menstrual cycle is made up of growing and decreasing levels of oestrogen and progesterone; however, while using birth control pills, oestrogen levels are high enough to fool the body into thinking it’s pregnant, resulting in irregular periods. It might take months to switch from one birth control method to another or to stop taking birth control completely.

Hormonal Disorders and Imbalances
PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) is a hormonal imbalance in women that impairs ovulation. A woman with PCOS has abnormal sex hormone levels, which can lead to problems with blood sugar, abnormal facial and body hair development, weight gain, acne, and irregular menstruation cycles, among other things. Best Gynaecologist in Delhi says, It may also cause early menopause, which manifests as missed periods, hot flushes, nocturnal sweats, and vaginal dryness before the age of 40.

Allergies and Sensitivities to Food
Undiagnosed gluten sensitivity or celiac disease, which means you’re not on treatment or being monitored for it, might affect your hormone levels. These conditions can lead to nutritional deficiencies, have a negative influence on intestinal health, and put your adrenal glands under prolonged stress, which can impair sex hormone production.

While some of these factors are unavoidable, it is critical that you pay close attention to how each facet of your lifestyle affects your health so that you may decide whether or not to eliminate or adjust elements that may be causing irregular periods. If you haven’t had a period in a while, talk to the best Gynecologist in Delhi about getting some important tests done to rule out hormone imbalances and other issues.

You should see Dr. Usha M Kumar, if you’re looking for the best Gynaecologist in Delhi. She is the Senior Consultant – Gynecology (Laparoscopic Gynecology Surgery), Max Hospital Saket, New Delhi. She is well-educated, has a wealth of experience, and is a fantastic mentor and supporter to her patients. She ensures that all of her patients are treated as quickly as feasible. She is a great doctor, and you may put your trust in her if surgery is necessary for any of your diseases. So, if you’re ever in doubt about where to go, please call her at Max Hospital and Progency Clinic, Delhi.

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