Ask your Gynaecologist about Pregnancy FAQs

Gynaecologist in Delhi - Dr Usha M Kumar

Ask your Gynaecologist about Pregnancy FAQs

Sometimes people are too embarrassed, too busy, or just don’t know the right questions. The questions on this page by Dr. Usha M Kumar, Gynaecologist in Delhi should cover a lot of aspects of what you need to know though.

1. How soon after conception do the first signs of pregnancy appear?

The first signs of pregnancy can appear as soon as you miss your period or within 7 days of missing the period. Every woman is different and experiencing different symptoms or even the same symptoms from one pregnancy to the next.

2. Week by Week Pregnancy: What to Expect?

First 2 weeks: Light bleeding and light cramping that occurs about six to 12 days after conception due to implantation of the embryo. And the other common and early sign of pregnancy is a missed menstrual period. Breast discomfort also occurs about one to two weeks into the pregnancy, as well as tiredness.

2 to 12 weeks: Between 2 to 12 week’s women may experience nausea or morning sickness. The severity of this first-trimester symptom differs among women. Expectant moms may also experience headaches and backaches during this time. Other symptoms are salivation changes, mood changes, the feeling of warmth, and breast discomfort.

13 to 27 weeks: Your belly will grow. Face pigmentation may increase. You may start feeling active fetal movements after 18 weeks.

27 to 40 weeks: Uterus enlarges gradually. Frequency of urination increases. Fetal movements are more noticeable and frequent.

3. Are early pregnancy cramps similar to menstrual cramps? How can one distinguish between the two?

Early pregnancy cramps are mild pains with slight lower abdominal discomfort. But if severe menstrual pain like cramps is there then it could be a sign of threatened abortion or abnormal pregnancy.

4. How is spotting different from menstrual bleeding?

In a menstrual period, there is a heavy flow of blood and can last for an average of 3-5 days, whereas in spots, the discharge of blood is irregular. Spotting is a part of the menstrual cycle; however, it can be a sign of pregnancy.

5. Most women complain of some kind of physical discomfort before they actually discovered their pregnancy. How accurate is this?

Some women experience pregnancy symptoms due to the change in hormones, small changes take place in the body that might indicate the woman that she may be pregnant even before a positive pregnancy test. These very early pregnancy symptoms may occur up to a week before.

6. Some women report “feeling” pregnant.

The hormones primarily progesterone and some estrogen and HCG increase during pregnancy, which contributes to many of the early physical signs of pregnancy. Progesterone rises premenstrual but continues to rise further after the period is missed. Most women don’t experience the pregnancy signs until their period is missed and a few women do get pregnancy signs earlier. Women with twins or triplets might notice their pregnancy signs sooner because they have higher levels of HCG in their system.

7. What is the first thing that you should do if you suspect you are pregnant and the ultrasound is negative?

First, consult the best gynecologist in your area. If you are looking for a gynaecologist in Delhi, you can surely bank upon Dr. Usha M Kumar. She will advise you on the blood test serum beta HCG to confirm your pregnancy through ultrasound is negative.

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