Things to remember while visiting a Gynecologist for the first time

Dr. Usha Kumar

Things to remember while visiting a Gynecologist for the first time

Things to remember while visiting a Gynecologist for the first time

There could be a lot of different reasons why you’ve decided to set up an appointment and wanted to meet your gynecologist. Maybe you’ve just hit puberty. Maybe you’ve by chance discovered a mole or rash down there. Or perhaps you are facing any other major issues. Feeling nervous and awkward before your first appointment is absolutely normal. It’s a little bit difficult to open up to an unknown person and disclose intimate details about your body.

Things to keep in mind that’ll make your first visit to the gynec a gentle experience.

  1. No question is stupid:

There is nothing to worry about. You can ask all kinds of questions to your gynecologist without any hesitation, just be sure to pay attention to their answers this time. No question is senseless when it is about your health and body. So, ask any kind of question that occurs in your mind related to women’s health issues.

  1. Be honest and truthful:

You need to be completely truthful with your gynecologist. Your appointment is going to be under the doctor-patient confidentiality agreement, so don’t worry about any sensitive information being disclosed. Share everything that concerns your health.

  1. Avoid visiting your gynec while you are on your period:

When visiting your gynec, it is good to skip the days you’re on your period. Apart from feeling unpleasant down there, your period could hinder an examination and your visit to the gynec might be wasted.

Visiting your gynec is not as terrifying as you think, although it may be slightly awkward if it’s your first time. But it only gets easier with each visit. Once you’ve created a good relationship with your doctor, there’s no need to return to Google or Quora for medical advice anymore! Now get ready, go and visit the best gynecologist near you.

If you are from Delhi and are looking for a consultant gynecologist, do fix an appointment with Dr. Usha M Kumar. Being amongst the best gynecologist in the area, she is also well respected and acknowledged in the gynecologist fraternity.

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