Know what menstruation is and why it occurs

Menstruation Problem

Know what menstruation is and why it occurs

Menstruation is a natural activity occurring in women, which is important for every aging girl. But even today, many young girls do not have complete information about this activity, which makes it even more difficult to adopt physical and mental changes occurring at such times. Let’s know every aspect of menstruation closely with Dr. Usha M Kumar, the best Gynecology doctor in Delhi. Read on!

What is menstruation?

The most important physical change that occurs in girls during puberty is the onset of menstruation.

Dr. Usha M Kumar says Puberty is a time when the reproductive organs of children are fully developed and they are capable of reproduction in India. When this stage comes in young girls, then their menstruation starts. This means that now their body is capable of reproduction. The activity of puberty in girls usually starts from the age of 11, after which they start having periods. This age group can also be back and forth.

But the question is, how does menstruation work in the body of women?

Why do periods occur?

The onset of menstruation in girls means the development of their ovaries which means that their ovaries are now capable of producing eggs.

Dr. Usha M Kumar explains Menstruation has an important role to play – to help in pregnancy. At the start of the menstrual cycle, every month, one of the two ovaries of women makes an egg and releases it into the uterus, which is called ovulation. In addition, the body produces two types of hormones – estrogen and progesterone. These hormones thicken the lining of the uterus to fertilize the fertilized egg from the layer upon conception. This layer is made of blood and mucus.

When the egg cannot fertilize with the male sperm, then the lining of the uterus comes out of the vagina in the form of blood with that egg. This activity is called menstruation.

What happens when you conceive?

Every month a woman’s body prepares itself for conception. The lining of the uterus becomes thick to take the fertilized egg. When the egg conceives with the male sperm, then it starts moving from the lining of the uterus. Because the egg is now being nourished by that layer, it does not shed and menstruation stops until the delivery (for the entire 9 months).

After delivery, the role of that layer ceases and it comes out of the vagina after shedding.

Generally, the menstrual cycle is from 21 to 35 days but it is not necessary every time. Every girl’s menstrual cycle is not the same. In the initial months of puberty, the menstrual cycle is prolonged. This cycle becomes regular for most women with increasing age.

Because many things like hormones have a role in menstruation, sometimes there can be problems in periods due to many reasons.

Irregular Periods

The most common problem in menstrual problems is irregular periods or menstruation.

Dr. Usha M Kumar, the best Gynecology doctor in Delhi says that irregular period has many aspects. Due to any of the following problems in menstruation, it can be called irregular periods or menstruation.

  • Monthly cycle shorter than 21 days or more than 35 days
  • Excessive bleeding during menstruation
  • Change of menstrual cycle each time
  • Non-menstrual periods for three or more months
  • Irregular bleeding between two periods


In medical terms, it is called menorrhagia when more blood starts to flow normally during menstruation or if menstruation continues for more than 7 days.

Often young girls feel that they have some problems due to little more bleeding due to lack of knowledge. But it is important to know that menorrhagia has some specific signs like – changing your pad every other hour due to excess bleeding, bleeding for more than a week, blood clots, more than two Wearing pads, and often having unbearable pain during menstruation. Menorrhagia can be caused due to many reasons – uncontrolled hormones, blood disease, uterine and ovarian disease, or lifestyle disturbances (high stress, thyroid disease).


Dr. Usha M Kumar explains when a young girl does not have menstruation for 15-16 years or despite having the onset of puberty, or if the regular menstruation stops suddenly, then she is called amenorrhea. The thing to note is that before pregnancy, menstruation after pregnancy and menopause is not a normal thing. Apart from these three circumstances, if menstruation stops, it can be a worrying thing.

But a regular menstrual shutdown can also be a sign of disease like PCOD.

What is PCOD?

Polycystic Ovarian Disorder (PCOD) is a hormonal disease in which many regular small follicles are formed in the ovaries due to which they are unable to produce eggs regularly. Menstrual period tops and the menstrual cycle becomes irregular due to the non-release of eggs. This disease often occurs when there is an imbalance in the hormones. The most important symptoms of PCOD are – irregular menstruation or no menstrual period, excessive hair growth on the body and face, and lots of acne.

If any problems are seriously interfering with your day-to-day life it is advised to consult a gynecologist as soon as possible. Dr. Usha M Kumar, the Best Gynecology doctor in Delhi says it is important that women recognize these symptoms on time so that they can be treated as soon as possible. PCOD can be managed by making easy lifestyle changes.

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