Fertility preservation options for various cancers

Best oncologist in India

Fertility preservation options for various cancers

While treatments for many types of cancer can affect your fertility, three gynecologic cancers can have the greatest risk: cervical, endometrial, and ovarian. But, there are treatment options for each that may save your fertility. Here’s find out how cancer treatment can affect your ability to have a child, as well as what fertility preservation steps you can take before you begin cancer treatment. Understand your options before cancer treatment with the best oncologist in India.

Cervical cancer: Thanks to exceptional screening methods such as pap smears, cervical cancer cases are fewer than they used to be. An innovative surgical procedure has given us the ability to remove the cervix with cancer and avoid removing the entire uterus. Trachelectomy is an effective cancer treatment and fertility-preserving option. If you are diagnosed with early cervical cancer, ask your oncologist and cancer surgeon for further treatment.

Endometrial cancer: We are seeing many cases of endometrial cancer in the lining of the uterus, which is linked to rising fatness. To avoid a hysterectomy, the main fertility preservation option is progestin therapy, which is a hormone-based treatment that can remove the tumor. Weight loss in combination with progestin therapy often increases the success rate, letting a woman time to undergo fertility treatments and carry a pregnancy on time. The timing and details of pregnancy planning along with cancer treatment should be personalized for each patient by her doctor.

Ovarian cancer: Depending on the stage and cell type of your ovarian cancer, we may be able to remove just one ovary, letting you keep the other ovary and uterus. If you still have your uterus, then these eggs can be used later for a pregnancy that you carry. If we do need to remove both your ovaries and uterus, there is another option, we can try to retrieve the eggs which are known as egg retrieval. The eggs can then be frozen and used in the future through a surrogate– a woman who carries the pregnancy for you.

When we find cancer at an early stage, we feel more confident that we won’t have to change your plans for having a family. Consult your doctor and cancer screening is very important.

Fertility after chemotherapy and radiation

Talk to your doctor about how chemotherapy may affect your fertility. Radiation therapy, on the other hand, can destroy an ovary. If you need radiation therapy in the pelvic area, we perform ovarian transposition. This procedure involves moving the ovaries out of the pelvis and into the upper abdomen so they’re not exposed to radiation. After ovarian transposition, you will need to see a fertility specialist in order to get pregnant.

Next-gen of fertility preservation methods

We’re always looking for new and innovative ideas to keep our patients fertile, even after cancer treatment. We are working on taking out a piece of the ovary, freezing it, and then transplanting it back into the patient after cancer has been reduced. There are still many difficulties. For example, fertility preservation is not covered by insurance, but we are trying to do our part by giving the best treatment and care, keeping prices low, giving discounts for cancer patients. Still, young women who find themselves facing cancer should know there may be options to preserve their ability to have children.

If you have been diagnosed with cancer, talk with an oncologist, best oncologist in India, and fertility specialist- Dr. Usha M Kumar to know about your options for fertility preservation before beginning treatment.

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