08 Nov Tips to stay fit and fine during winter season for pregnant woman
In India, winter is fabulous and always welcomed. But during pregnancy, a woman has various questions and concerns in her mind for the baby in her womb. These worries are worth it, as during winter immune system is weak and various infections can catch very easily. So do you wanted to know how to face these special natural challenges and stay fit and fine during the winter season? Below are a few tips are given by Dr. Usha M Kumar, the best Gynecology doctor in Delhi.
- Drink plenty of water. Water hydrates the body from the inside. During pregnancy, the skin stretches and sometimes itch. It is also suggested that always try to drink lukewarm water.
- Wear the right kind of Footwear. Yes, it is very important. Wearing the right kind of footwear should not only save from cold but also avoid get slip if there is snowfall or rain.
- Avoid going outside. Just try to stay at home as much as possible. Also, avoid wearing too tight clothes. A pregnant woman should wear comfortable clothing for all seasons.
- Get the Influenza vaccine. A severe cold may lead to fever, headache, and pneumonia. Dr. Usha M Kumar generally recommend a complete checkup of the patient to take the Tdap vaccine(influenza, diphtheria, and tetanus) during the last trimester of pregnancy
- Use Mask. Winter comes with high air pollution. Always use a mask whenever go outside.
- Do regular breathing exercises.
- Consult your doctor whenever you are suffering from a cough and cold. Regular coughing may lead to leakage of the water bag, which is a major risk to the baby and can lead to preterm delivery.
- Maintain cleanliness and do hand wash regularly.
- Eat healthy veggies and vitamin C-rich food.
Stay blessed to enjoy your winter pregnancy.
Whatever be the reason you’re searching for the best Gynecology doctor in Delhi, go for Dr. Usha M Kumar without giving a second thought. She should encourage you and suggest treatment that is best for you. Schedule an appointment without any worry.
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