When to consult your Gynaecologist?

Best Gynaecologist in Delhi tells When to consult Gynaecologist

When to consult your Gynaecologist?

We all know that prevention is better than cure: so, nowadays, your Gynaecologist also stresses you to go for regular Check-ups. In order that you understand your body well, Dr. Usha M Kumar, a leading and the best gynaecologist in Delhi explaining some issues that you need to understand and consult as and when the need arises.

1. Irregular and heavy bleeding: Some women have spotting before or after periods but this is not a worrying sign. The right time to call your Gynecologist is when your periods are heavy with clots and prolonged flow or you need to change your pads every 2 to 3 hours. You can also consult Dr. Usha M Kumar, the best gynaecologist in Delhi for your gynecological issues. Bleeding in between periods is not a good sign and permits a check-up to rule out a submucous fibroid. For such conditions, Pap smear, endometrial biopsy, and ultrasound may be useful to reach a correct diagnosis and rule out cervical or uterine cancer in premenopausal or postmenopausal age.

2. Pain abdomen and discomfort –The type and severity of pain give a hint to approach the right diagnosis. Ultrasound pelvis and abdomen also helps to rule gall stones, kidney stones, liver disorders, or cystitis. Acute pain can be associated with ectopic gestation, ruptured ovarian cyst or acute pelvic inflammation or acute appendicitis or ovarian or uterine torsion, and degeneration of uterine fibroid. If pelvic pain is associated with pain during periods or during sex, the possibility of endometriosis has to be ruled out by tests and clinical findings. A pelvic examination helps to arrive at a correct diagnosis.

3. Postmenopausal bleeding: Women should not bleed once menopause has been attained after one year of no menses. If bleeding occurs, uterine or cervical cancer or a polyp has to be ruled out.

4. Missed periods: It definitely needs to be examined. In reproductive age, pregnancy has to be ruled out first. Other common reasons could be hormonal imbalance due to thyroid dysfunction or PCOD. Even severe tubercular infection or excessive uterine curettage can lead to this problem.

5. Urinary or bowel symptoms: Urinary incontinence or difficulty moving your bowels can be symptoms of pelvic floor problems.

6. Pain during intercourse: One of life’s greatest pleasures shouldn’t be painful. Pain during sex can be felt as deep pelvic pain or pain in your genital area. Common causes are vaginal dryness, infections, or uterine fibroids, etc.

7. Vaginal discharge and itching: It is one of the most common reasons for you to visit your best Gynecologist. Vaginal discharge is usually a sign of reproductive tract or sexually transmitted infections. It can go along with pain abdomen or itching. Discharge can be normal if not related to burning in the vagina or a foul smell. Curdy white discharge may be a sign of candidal vaginitis and needs to be treated to avoid its spread further.

The need for Gynecologist arises since your adolescent years to educate you on pubertal changes, contraception and safe sexual practices, HPV Vaccination, menstrual hygiene, etc. to reproductive age problems such as fertility issues, menstrual irregularities, urinary or reproductive tract infections to women nearing menopause with hot flashes, urogenital symptoms or postmenopausal bleeding which may be a forerunner for any gynecological cancer.

In order to understand your body well, some issues you need to understand and consult as and when the need arises with the best gynaecologist in Delhi, Dr. Usha M Kumar.

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