21 Oct Laparoscopic Surgery for Gynecological Problems
These days if you have any problem related to your uterus or ovaries and if surgery is suggested by your Gynecologist then in many cases, you do not need open surgery. Most of the surgeries can be done by the laparoscopic method in which recovery is much better as compared to open surgery. Laparoscopy is one of the most gynaecological reliable procedures performed today. It is one of the most common surgical procedures performed in many parts of the world. Let’s know more about Laparoscopy with Dr. Usha Kumar – the best gynae laparoscopic surgeon in India. Read on!
Laparoscopy – a surgical procedure that has been used widely in medicine for over 30 years. The faster recovery, less pain, less period of hospitalization, and the better aesthetic result are a few of the advantages which made laparoscopy very popular among patients and surgeons. Laparoscopy plays a major role and appears to be the best method for a quite wide range of gynecologic procedures such as tubal ligation, removal of ovarian cyst, treatment of ectopic pregnancy, hemorrhagic rupture of a cyst, examination of chronic pelvic pain, sterility, treatment of endometriosis, hysterectomy, and latterly for treatment of pelvic organ prolapses, urinary incontinence and even in gynecologic cancers. Even though there are advantages of laparoscopic procedures, they do not come without risk and complications for the patient.
Limitations of laparoscopy:
In the case of patient selection, previous abdominal surgery is the most common reason to exclude a laparoscopic approach, because of the risk of adhesions.
Instruments used:
As with all laparoscopic procedures, the basic tool used is the endoscope-laparoscope.
Also in many cases when getting pregnant is difficult and some problem is found in your tubes or ovaries or uterus; you can go for the best Gynae Laparoscopic surgeon in India and hysteroscopy surgery with very good results. Your search ends here as Dr. Usha M Kumar is one such best Gynae Laparoscopic Surgeon in India and doing all sorts of gynecological endoscopic surgeries including advanced laparoscopic and hysteroscopic surgeries.
Visit https://drushamkumar.com/ for more info. Book an appointment with Dr. Usha M Kumar!
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